Drogan's Encyclopedia - We Ain't Wikipedia
Drogans was created because Stephen Grant was fed up with really stupid people ruling the Internet. Twitter is one of those companies that is really, really stupid. And they hire really, really stupid people.
Twitter typically hires people with room-temperature IQs to review tweets to see if they violate user rules. A 2019 study of Twitter's employee personnel reveals that 92.5% of those whose job it is to review tweets don't know what the policies are. Most employees admit that they use it as spite to block people that disagree with politically.
It started out with Michael Knowles making a comment about one of the 3.27 million stupid tweets that Ben & Jerry's puts out in an average week.
It started out when the pseudo-ice cream company, whose owners live in gated communities with armed security, continued their quest to fire police and take away their funding.
One to never turn down a chance to make a political hot take (just kidding, we like Mike), Michael responds in kind. He wasn't even brutal, but he made a pretty good reponse-in-kind to the loony leftists.
Stephen Grant, because he obviously didn't have anything better to do at the time, decides to one-up Michael Knowles by commenting about the lack of nutritious content in their food. The point that Stephen was trying to make was that ingesting battery acid would be a more health conscious decision. However, the overlords at Twitter said that the comment was threatening or abusive or something. To a person who has the intelligence of a fruit fly, it would be obvious that the phrase, "you might as well chug battery acid from a car battery" is in reference to ice cream and nothing else.
Stephen Grant decided to play nice and go through the appeal process. He believed, in vain, that there may be a person at Twitter that could pass a 5th grade reading comprehension exam. Unfortunately, that is not the case and a second person reviewed the tweet and came to the exact same, uneducated conclusion.
It has become quite obvious that Twitter a) hires really stupid/ignorant people and b) lords it over you that you are but a mere subject to them and you must bow down to their ever whim.
Coming to this this unfortunate conclusion, Stephen Grant has made it his personal mission to expose idiotic behavior. Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter and any other institution that wants to rule the peasants will have to answer to Stephen Grant and Drogans.